Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Star Trek - Tapestry

After a slate of less-than-stellar viewing experiences (future entries), it was nice to have a double-shot of the good stuff. This well-written episode resonates with me, as I have often thought how my life might have panned out if I had had certain traits in my youth that I have only recently developed. But the I always come to the same conclusion, which is that I wouldn't change the bad choices I've made in my past at the sacrifice of my current self. And why would I want to? That is, after all, what being human is all about. As Q and Jean Luc discover.
It is odd, however, that Jean Luc accepts defeat and "wants out" from Q so quickly in his alternate reality. You'd think that with his pluck and vigor he could find new chances to take and paths to forge. ...but I guess it is hard to establish a new career at his age. (Speaking of which, his kissing his Academy friend was even creepier than young-enough-to-be-my-daughter Vash. But that's just me.) Rated 2+

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