Thursday, November 15, 2007

Beatles Anthology - Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

Part 2: British Beatlemania, Rated 2
Part 3: US Beatlemania, Rated 2
Part 4: through Help!, Rated 2

I was not in the country when this series was shown on TV, and the thing that strikes me most watching the DVDs is how much *music* there is. Yes, they're a musical group, but I've never seen such a thing so close to music videos (not integral to a plot) on Prime Time. Especially with the end credits, I wonder if they actually showed the whole thing (as opposed to the usual, where the credits are squeezed into a portion of the screen while a voiceover blots out the music).
I also appreciate the even-handedness showing Beatlemania in other parts of the globe. I am so used to hearing that The Beatles were nothing, really, until they broke it big in America. We may have accepted them as superpowers, but really we were just late to catch the phenomenon.

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