Monday, October 8, 2007

F*** (the Movie)

Amusing documentary in a preaching-to-the-choir way, but not very effective (or creative) as a documentary. With the variety of interviews lined up, they could have asked some good questions and presented some good points. Instead they just poked fun at anybody who doesn't like to hear "F***" shouted in the street, like normal folks do. I'm all about free speech, and I *firmly* believe that "it's not the word, it's how you say it". (My swearing is foreign gibberish is usually more severe than when I blurt 'the F word'.) Such an attitude was alluded to, but they chose not to pursue it, opting instead for more "if you don't like free speech, F*** you!" lines of discussion. "Scarface" and "Saving Private Ryan" were used as examples of censored obscenity, yet the acceptability of the violence vs the spoken word was never touched... instead, they chose to edit eye-rolling whenever a conservative pundit expressed his view. Rated 5/6.

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