Tuesday, December 18, 2007

MST3K - Eegah

This has to be the worst film I have ever seen, taking over the spot previously occupied by "The Big Hit". At least I can see *why* somebody would go to see "The Big Hit", even though it is a heaping turd of a film. Perhaps they like Mr. Wahlberg, or they like special effects, or they think that it is effective as a parody... After several days of contemplation, however, I can find absolutely no redeeming qualities to "Eegah". I honestly don't see why anybody would ever watch it, except maybe the (uglier than the caveman) male protagonist's mother. (His father already directed, produced, and starred in it, which explains how it got made.) Never would watching this film be an act of free will. Never, ever, ever. Rated 9.

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