Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Simpsons - Season 8

Homer vs. the 18th Amendment - A pretty lame ending, what with just not having read the paper to the end. Besides, homemade beer isn't so hard to make. Rated 5.
Grade School Confidential - Cute and very adult, without being heavy. Reminds me somewhat of the episode where Milhouse's parents get divorced. Rated 3.
The Canine Mutiny - A little extra something so that it falls short of predictable. Rated 4/5.
The Old Man and the Lisa - Yes, I have the Lisa bias. But it's a great play on her character. Rated 2/3.
In Marge We Trust - I don't even think of this as a Marge episode. I think of it as Mr. Sparkle. And Mr. Sparkle is hilarious. Rated 2/3.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe homemade beer isn't that difficult, but bathtub mint juleps are damned hard to make.